Friday, September 30, 2011

The Story of Mohini the White Tiger

Mohini was a magnificent white tiger that lived in the US’s National Zoo in Washington DC in the 1960s. Mohini was a special gift presented to the US president Eisenhower, and the US people.

The Zoo started a major project to build a large enclosure for Mohini, their star attraction. The enclosure would simulate Mohini’s natural habitat as closely as possible. It would have many acres of lush forest with rolling hills and a large pond. It would be Mohini playground for her to stretch and express her natural self as one of nature’s most splendid and powerful creatures.

Meanwhile, while the large enclosure was being built, Mohini was kept in a 12 x 12 feet cage with iron bars and cement floor. Mohini would pace around ceaselessly in this cage while her eventual home was being built.

Finally, the enclosure was completed and the big day of releasing Mohini into it had arrived. A large excited crowd had gathered to witness this much awaited event.

To everyone’s surprise, instead of frolicking in joy in her new sprawling enclosure, Mohini headed straight for a perimeter wall at the enclosure’s edge.

At the wall, Mohini started to pace around in an imaginary cage, just like the way she had while waiting for the enclosure to be build.

Mohini stayed in this tiny corner at the wall for the remainder of her life, oblivious to the freedom and choices she had.

All of us live our life within a mental space created in our unconscious minds.

Is our mental space the tiny iron rod and cement cage like Mohini’s or is it the wide open, sprawling world of adventure and discovery?

Is our space as wide as the sky or are we just viewing it from the end of a straw?

Free your mind.

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