The victim is a 22-year-old female Singapore Management University business student who just returned to Singapore from New York City early on 26 May 2009 morning, after a school field trip. She passed through the airport thermal scanners uneventfully as she did not have a fever at that time. Coughing and feeling unwell, she went to see a doctor later in the morning and was immediately sent to Tan Tock Seng Hospital for tests which confirmed that she had contracted the H1N1 virus.
She is now quarantined in the Communicable Disease Centre in stable condition.
H1N1 is a new strain of flu virus combining genes from pig, bird and human flu viruses. H1N1 infection is mild for most people but proved severe and even fatal for many.
Still, there is no need for panic.
The key to remember is H1N1 spreads from person to person via airborne droplets expelled by a coughing or sneezing person who is infected with the virus.
There are thus a few things we can do to protect ourselves:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick, especially those who are coughing and sneezing.
- Avoid unnecessary contact with crowds. You never know who has the virus.
- Cover your mouth with tissue paper when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the tissue paper as soon as possible after use, preferably by flushing it down the toilet.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap, and immediately after coughing or sneezing.
- Don’t touch your mouth, nose or eyes with your hands.
- Clean high traffic public surfaces with disinfectant e.g. door knobs, hand rails, shopping trolley handles, lift buttons, telephone handsets.
- Pay attention to and cooperate with public health advisories from the relevant authorities.
- If you are sick with flu symptoms like coughing, sneezing or fever, see a doctor without delay. On your way to the medical centre, put on a surgical mask and avoid unnecessary contact with others. Be socially responsible to yourself and others.
Stay healthy. Keep your immune system strong. Get sufficient rest, eat a balanced diet and drink enough water.
Take care!
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